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All Season 2 Episode

1. The Curse of the Pharaoh


Tutankhamun's burial chamber in the Valley of the Kings. It is one of the largest archaeological discoveries to date. Some even believe that the discovery of the tomb prompted a mysterious series of deaths – Is the tomb cursed? When Howard Carter's research team discovered Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, they became heroes - and ultimately paid a high price for their fame. 17 people associated with the expedition die from mysterious causes over a ten-year period. Many believe there is only one explanation for this: the curse of the Pharaoh, placed upon all those who dare to disturb the resting place of the great king. In fact, old clay tablets provide proof that spells were commonplace in ancient Egypt. It is said that a curse was also placed on Tutankhamun's tomb to protect his legendary riches contained therein.

2. Atlantis


Atlantis - a sunken civilization at the dawn of time. Greek philosopher Plato's descriptions from almost 2,500 years ago depict a utopia. A vast island empire with fascinating architecture and impressive military power. One night, however, the fabled empire is said to have perished in the wake of a devastating catastrophe. Scientists around the world are searching for traces of the sunken city. If it really did exist, there must be vestiges of this civilization just waiting to be discovered.

3. The Flood


A gigantic flood inundates the world and destroys all life on earth. Only Noah and the creatures on his ark will be saved from total extermination - so the Bible says. The Flood is the greatest catastrophe that has ever been described and at the same time one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. Did the flood really exist? And what caused it? Researchers around the world are looking for evidence of the biggest flood of all time. They want to solve the riddle in ancient scripts and with the help of the most modern technology. How devastating was the flood? In which region of the world did it take place? And what is really behind the “myth of the flood”?

4. Ghosts and Spectres


Ghosts and spectres - Mysterious creatures from the afterlife. Since the dawn of time, people have believed in life after death, ancestors coming back to visit us, and unfortunate souls lingering between two worlds. But is it actually possible to come back to Earth as an ethereal spirit? Researchers from all over the world are attempting to add some tangibility to this seemingly incomprehensible notion. Are encounters between humans and supernatural creatures real, or are our senses just playing tricks on us? Even today, new stories of revenants or other ghostly apparitions continue to surface in forgotten places, from the haunted castle in Schallaburg, Austria, to the former tuberculosis sanatoriums near Germany’s capital Berlin, or the abandoned Waldlust Hotel in Southern Germany.

5. Werewolves


Scientists continue to investigate both a centuries-old killing spree and modern-day sightings. Court records and sketches from the 18th century depict an unbelievable case. A creature that slays like an animal, but acts like a human. Could it be a werewolf? Why were some of the bodies found without any clothes? Why were some decapitated? A biotechnologist is testing whether the severity of the attacks could in any way be indicative of who - or what - carried them out. In Lemgo, historian Dr. Utz Anhalt is investigating a case involving a convicted werewolf. Meanwhile, cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard is looking into an alleged encounter with a werewolf in the US. Vivid reports detailing the sightings give historical insight into the origins of this terrifying beast.