All Available Episode

All Season 2 Episode

1. The Leader


Blaire tries to become the leader of Radio Active even though Morgan emphasized that there shouldn't be a leader for team, and even if there were, it definitely would not be Blaire. When Ms. Atoll suggested that there should be someone in command of the group, and she would pick the most eligible member. To defeat all of his opponents, he encourages Roger to become his ""ASSISTANT LEADER"" once he is acknowledged as leader of Radio Active. While listening to George's interviews about owls, Ms. Atoll nominated Tanya, but when Blair and Roger made Tanya look like a baby, Atoll reconsidered the choice and also gave less homework due to the fact that students may be losing their minds because there is too much homework. Again with George's interview, Atoll considers Morgan a likely candidate. Blaire and Roger sabotage the Radio booth with ants before Morgan's broadcast, she enters a room full of ants and starts going crazy, whipping everywhere trying to kill all the ants. When Atoll witn

2. The Invasion


Roger arrives at the school, covered with hives due to an allergic reaction of Juniper Berries. During a broadcast, Morgan's announcement was constantly being cut off due to an electrical break in the circuit of the cables in the booth. George just wanted some sleep, but Morgan dragged him into the booth so that George could continue her news script. As he read it, his message was cut off and back on, which left the announcement revealing that aliens are attacking the school. When Blaire witnesses Roger's hived-up face, he ran for cover, believing that aliens have arrived at the school. While Morgan and George tried to fix what was wrong and to redo the broadcast by emphasizing that there were no aliens. But the broadcast was again short-circuited and she told the school to panic, worry, and evacuate the school"". Once the school heard the announcement, the siren went off, telling everyone to evacuate the building. Blaire tries to help everyone out while Morgan and George continue

3. Sock It to Me


It's career week! But the Radio Active's experience with engineers and clowns are extremely boring. When George purchases a video from Mr. Froopy, and suddenly finds out what he wants to be in the future...a MIME! The Radio Active team discovers that the video viewed footage of Miz Atoll when she was about 20-30 years old...when she was nice... They start playing around with the idea of Miz Atoll being a children television actress, using her famous sock puppet characters. They give Ms. Atoll the cassette tape in exchange for a real career week guest.

4. Dr. Tanya


Tanya attemps to help her Radio Active friends get along with each other by having them get things off their chest in her new radio show, ""Speak Your Mind"". But things started going wrong as their feelings are released and the other members emphasize their actions based on the others' pet peeves. When the team begins to argue, Ms. Atoll decides to move her desk into the anteroom to keep a closer watch on the team, so Tanya has to help her friends get back together, using psychiatry. She notices that the four Radio Activists are all under four different categories that psychiatrists have to deal with, and she tries to use strategies from her psychiatry book to help her friends, but everything fails except when she pretends to become crazy, and the four members realize that Tanya has gone crazy due to the fact that she has tried everything to make them get along.

5. The Interception


When Blaire and George fight over the microphone inside the Radio booth, they are able to listen to something being broadcasted through the radio. George believes they are intercepting a phone call that involves mobsters. Then Blaire and George think they are in trouble when they think that the mobsters are after them. Meanwhile, Tanya is trying to clean up the school so that Upper Redwood High would have a chance to win the best school in the district to earn a concert from Icycles. When Roger leaves the school to obtain party favours, instead, he could only find party balloons. When Roger is caught by Ms. Atoll who thinks Roger is helping Blaire and George in criminal activities, Roger spills out his secret that he stole a chocolate bar (actually ht didn't, it just ended up in his bag and he returned it) and Ms. Atoll uses this to make Roger a snitch to bring out Blaire and Roger. When he is dusting off fingerprints, Blaire and George believes that Roger is a mob rat, while they sh

6. The Blaire Resnickie Project


This is a spoof of ""The Blaire Witch project"". George starts playing around with his new video camcorder when Blaire and Morgan brought up the idea of the school being haunted by a teacher who used to work at the school. Everyone was terrified by the name, especially Mr. Noseworthy. Morgan, Blaire, and George decide to stay over night to prove that there is a ghost roaming the building. The trio are woken up by noises in the school, and when this occurs, George is ready with his video camcorder. Someone or something rampaged through their food, eating everything in sight. They search the halls to find the source, and discover that George is lost. But he returns to their hideout in the anteroom, with RED liquid smothered around his mouth! This was just ketchup though, to keep George's stomach full. They find out it was just Mr. Noseworthy in the school who is staying in the building because his house was being repainted.

7. Dark Sarah


Mr. Fitzroy, a School Board Inspector plans a trip to Upper Redwood High to inspect all of the school's facilities and find out how well Mr. Noseworthy is doing in his job as vice principal of discipline. While everyone is ignoring Sarah, she tries to get noticed by dressing all in black, with a strange and ""life has no meaning"" attitude and characteristic. But this made everyone pay attention to her, and when she continued to become this weird girl, George, Blaire, and Morgan had to intervene. They decided that they could revert little Sarah back to her old self if they become hardcore ""pale"" people. Mr. Fitzroy believes that Mr. Noseworthy has done a good job so far, and there is one more room left to inspect...The Radio Active Anteroom. When he enters, he witnesses four crazy students dressed in black, screaming and yelling with some traces of words such as ""RETCH"". This behaviour re-assigned Mr. Noseworthy, which made the Radio Active members feel really bad. As a plan to reinsta

8. Logic 101


It starts when Morgan bets a lunch that Blaire can't not date a girl for a week. Then, Mr Noseworthy asks Blaire if he can coach an Upper Upper Redwood High girl's sports team, but he declines. Eventually, his brain kicks in and he decides to keep it secret from Morgan. However, Mr Noseworthy has seen Blaire's grades, and says he needs to improve on them. He pays Roger to do it for him. Morgan hears about Blaire coaching A team, but Blaire covers it up by saying their senior citizens. Roger slips up on his own homework (Logic 101) and the truth is revealed. When Mr Noseworthy is about to give him the job, Sarah and Morgan trick Blaire by giving him two sets of homework from Roger. They ask him the question on the homework, ""One of us always tells a lie, but the other one only tells the truth. You can only ask us one question."" Failing, Blaire ends up back in his old habit. Speaking of which, what is the answer??

9. The Truth and Nothing but the Truth


Roger bets that Morgan cannot live a day where she would not lie, but Morgan took the bet and she became honest even at the toughest times. When Ms. Atoll obtains help from Morgan to be a ""nice"" teacher, Morgan suggests that she should gather a few students and find out what is so mean about Ms. Atoll. Ms. Atoll puts Morgan in charge, so she tricks Tanya and Sarah to the little meeting, where Tanya and Sarah had to expose their hate in Ms. Atoll. This leads to an argument with Morgan against Tanya and Sarah, where Sarah and Tanya review all of Morgan's secrets and embarrassing moments in her life. Mr. Noseworthy clears up the mess, with his ""calling to Miz Atoll"" method to calm them down. When Morgan discovers something about Roger - that Roger wrote the Teacher's Awards, and Miz Atoll comes along with the same subject, Roger panicked because even if Morgan told the truth, it was his fault.

10. The Big Lie


Morgan makes up a story that she is going out with the coolest guy in the entire school, but she is actually only her science partner, and when the Radio Active members believe that Morgan is going to marry him, they got all excited until it was revealed that the guy did not go out with Morgan or be married to Morgan. Now, that he thinks she is weird, and will never go out with her.

11. The Marathon Broadcast


The Radio Active members believed that they could pull off a World Record by attempting to do the longest show non-stop, even if they had to stay over night. But at the end they realize the units were in days, not hours...

12. The Review


Morgan is upset with Roger's review of her show, so she becomes a nice girl that everyone hates, but this time, Roger gives her good reviews. All her Radio Active friends were all worried about Morgan and try to help her change back.

13. Television Active


The Radio Active team decides to put on a live television broadcast even though they had to set up monitors all over the school, and retrieve materials such as wires, cables, a working video camcorder, etc... It was going to be hard to fix the video camcorder, but with George's crazy wits, he fixes it suing liquorice, a string, etc... When it was time for the broadcast, Blaire was so nervous that he could not speak another word than ""mommy"" so Morgan took over and that was when the video camcorder caught on fire. Miz Atoll's monitor was also on fire, and when Morgan gave fire safety rules through the broadcast, Miz Atoll was saved and would not announce this mishap to the school board.

14. Morgan Unplugged


When Morgan begins singing in the booth, unaware that the microphone is one, everyone can hear her awful singing. She was eating a SUGAR ingredient cereal that morning, so she is constantly energized, but soon she is tired and she can not make any more songs to impress the students because she believes that she is a good singer and the school wants more.

15. The Prince and the Pimple


When Morgan receives a huge pimple on her forehead before the upcoming dance, she is sad and frustrated that she will not get a date, but Roger did not care and wanted to go with her.

16. The Junk Food Racket


When junk food was ban from the school, the Radio Active team members started sneaking in junk food into the anteroom to eat and to sell to customers (students) all over the school.

17. Good…Win Hunting


The Radio Activists are entering their project into the Science Fair but they are unsuccessful. They decided to solve Mr. Noseworthy's math equation because it was their last hope while George tries to become the janitor because the job was up for grabs. While George was cleaning, using the circular motion method, Mr. Noseworthy was secretly inspecting his work. He accidentally erased part of Mr. Noseworthy's equation. Using the math book with the answer, George added back what he had erased plus the answer. Tanya, Blaire, and Sarah were right at the door, witnessing George solving the question. They reported the news to Roger, but he did not believe them, so they decided to make sure it was not a fluke, and test him with a rubix cube. When George entered the Anteroom to clean up, Tanya left the cube on the table. When George rushes to get some water, Mr. Noseworthy jumps out of the closet and starts inspecting the area and discovers the rubix cube. In about 5 seconds, he was able

18. Matchmaker, Matchmaker


Morgan's relationships with males have always fail so Tanya tries to find the perfect man for Morgan, and finally realizes that George is the one after researching on horoscopes.

19. Smart and Smarter


When George and Blaire discover they have an ultimatum given by Miz Atoll in the future, they must find a way to pass to keep Radio Active on the air. So Blaire asks Morgan to tutor him, but Roger thought he was the most intelligent, and decides to combat Morgan by teaching George and seeing who will do better on the test. Both Morgan and Roger were unable to help out because George and Blaire did not concentrate on their work, but Blaire was able to use hockey as a tool to learn and Roger gave George a super smart drink. George did not want to be smart, so as a super smart teenager, he raced to create a dumb drink. But before he made it, Blaire found out that he was using a smart drink. George drank the dumb drink, and Blaire, assuming what George had drunk was a smart drink, he gulped down the dumb drink. The effect was worse, and both of them had the intelligence and mind of a baby. Roger and Morgan had already called for Miz Atoll, not realizing George and Blaire had become i

20. Disk-Junky


When Mr. Noseworthy witnesses an exhilarating news research among the members of Radio Active, he decides he wants to become a disc jockey again. The members gathered information about a pop star that will be arriving in town, so they can be the first to announce this message to the public. But when the Radio Active members find out that Mr. Noseworthy is making it possible for him to join their group, they try to make him feel as uncomfortable as ever providing some dumb sitting positions to speak clearly. But when they discover they need someone to take over the station while they are at the concert, they needed Mr. Noseworthy but after the sitting positions that Tanya and Morgan taught him, he refused the offer. But later he was convinced and agreed. When the members return from the concert, Mr. Noseworthy did not want to relieve himself from being the disk-junk playing music in the late 1800's. To bring Mr. Noseworthy back to being a vice principal of discipline, they try way

21. Fashion Police


The gang feels they've lost their individuality when Upper Redwood enforces a school uniform policy.

22. Morgan and Blaire: Sitting in a Tree…


A teen popularity contest forces Morgan and Blaire to face their true feelings for each other.

23. Miz Atoll Dearest


The team soon realized that Morgan and Sarah have nothing in common, but worst, Sarah is very different from her parents, so she decides to search around to see if she was adopted. Researching on files on birth dates, etc... she could not find an answer. But when she overhears Miz. Atoll talking about a little girl that was lost, she believed that it was her. She was really scared and even worse, Miz. Atoll acted really weird...nice around her. This led her to believe truly that Miz. Atoll was her mother, but it was cleared when Morgan told her she was not due to proof from her birth.

24. Daydreams


Classify under WEIRD. The gang is forced to come to a special grammar seminar Ms. Atoll set up for them. But the class is so boring; it quickly gets to a point where everyone daydreams. Morgan: Morgan speaks out and says that what Ms. Atoll is teaching is: ""...useless and boring and stuffy and dull!"". Ms. Atoll agrees and Morgan takes over class. She shares her secret for world peace, and when United Nations are called, world peace is declared. Morgan then completely denies the whole use of school and everyone starts dancing and doing what they want to do. She gets a date with Matt Damon, and the daydream is then rudely interrupted by reality. Roger: He slowly goes into a daydream, fiddling with a pencil with a rubber band wrapped around it. This pencil and elastic band very soon becomes---da da da daaaaa! The Rogermatic 2000! This daydream features a cheesy infomercial where Roger advertises his revolutionary product that removes unwanted facial hair, eases arthritis, whitens teet

25. Return to Sender


The Radio Active members believes that Mr. Noseworthy and Miz Atoll had a crush on each other in the past when a broadcast by Morgan is made that there's a rumour that one teacher is in love with another teacher, and Sarah and Tanya find clues to confirm their discovery of Mr. Noseworthy and Miz. Atoll.

26. The Fund Raiser


When the government cuts back on extra-curricular funding, all of the clubs the Radio Active gang are in are in trouble, including Radio Active itself. Everyone decides to raise money for each of their clubs, and whoever raises the most amount of money, gets all the pooled money. Sarah desperately tries to find ways to raise money. Tanya helps her out. When the competition finishes, Tanya, because she spent a bit of time helping Sarah, only raised $75. Morgan, who sold kisses, raised $150. George, uh, never mind. And Blaire got $400 from shooting hoops, due to Mr. Noseworthy's ""double-or-nothing"". When it's thought that Blaire would win, Sarah comes in announcing she raised $500 by dancing and singing i.e, annoying people. Mr. Noseworthy comes in making one more bet with Blaire. Blaire accepts, knowing that he will get the ball in and win the contest. But the guilt demon gets to Blaire, and decides to miss the shot. Everyone then soon realizes that nearly all of the Radio Active equipm