All Available Episode

All Specials Episode

1. Hee-Haw Hannah and the Dinos


Donkey Hodie gets ready for sleep with calming stretches and a bedtime story. In the book, Hee-Haw Hannah sees three crying dinos but can’t figure out why they’re so sad. Can she find a way to help them?

2. Pauline Loves Purple


Purple Panda calms down for sleep with a big bear hug and a bedtime story. He reads a book about Pauline, a young panda who loves all the purple things in her world.

3. One Tiny Day


Duck Duck winds down for sleep with relaxing wing stretches and a bedtime story. She reads a book about many things that happen in nature in one tiny day.

4. Mary Had An Elephant


Bob Dog gets cozy for sleep with deep barks and a bedtime story. In a book inspired by the nursery rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb, Mary has an elephant, and their playdate keeps getting bigger and bigger!

5. The Amazing Radish and Super Porcupine's Bouncity Bounce Day


Donkey Hodie calms down for sleep with stretches and a bedtime story. In a comic book about her favorite superheroes, can The Amazing Radish and Super Porcupine save Someplace City from a bouncy foe?

6. Purple Panda's Night-Night Countdown


Purple Panda settles in for bed with a warm bear hug and a story he wrote himself! In the book, Panda counts down from ten as he sees all the ways his pals in Someplace Else get ready to say goodnight.

7. Fiona Froggy Hop-Hops to Bed


Duck Duck relaxes before sleep with some wing stretches and a bedtime story. In her book, Fiona Froggy is very tired, but she cannot fall asleep! How will Fiona get some rest?

8. Dalmation Dan, Doggie Detective


Bob Dog gets ready for sleep with calming, deep barks and a bedtime story. In this hide-and-seek book, Dalmatian Dan asks readers to help spot Cora Cat, the best hider in the city. Can you find her?