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All Season 1 Episode

1. Drawing a Dragon.


2. Learning Tae Kwon Do.


3. Making Chocolates.


4. Lawn Bowling.


Daniel Cook has been invited to a lawn bowling club to get his very first lesson in the sport. Daniel learns how to play the game before challenging other club members to a doubles match.

5. Painting Giraffes.


Daniel Cook joins painter Robert Bateman and learns how to paint animals. Together, Robert and Daniel paint a giraffe eating from a tree.

6. Learning Gymnastics.


Daniel cook sits in on his first gymnastics class. Daniel learns how to walk across a beam and why gymnasts practice on the trampoline.

7. At The Pool.


8. Exercising.


Daniel Cook joins the YMCA for a fitness class. Daniel learns the importance of stretching and how a little bit of exercise can go a long way to staying healthy.

9. At The Market.


Daniel Cook tours a local market to see and taste all the different things a market has to offer. Daniel visits an art store, tours a fish shop and tastes different types of cheeses.

10. Feeding Giraffes.


Daniel Cook visits the zoo and learns what types of snacks giraffes like to eat. Daniel helps prepare the giraffe food before helping to deliver the snacks.

11. Trying New Fruits.


Daniel Cook learns the importance of trying new things when he sits down with a nutritionist. Daniel tries fruit from all over the world and learns not to judge something by how it looks.

12. At The Zoo.


Daniel Cook visits the zoo and discovers the animals that live there. Daniel learns about elephants before getting to see and touch some animals up close.

13. Building a Sidewalk.


Daniel Cook learns how sidewalks are built while visiting a construction site. Daniel helps operate a backhoe and smooth out freshly poured cement.

14. Creating Stories.


15. At The Library.


16. Making Plasticine Art.


17. Learning Yo-Yo Tricks.


Daniel Cook meets a yo-yo master and assists him with some tricks. Daniel learns the basics of using a yo-yo before creating his own special trick.

18. Making Ice Cream.


Daniel Cook has been invited to a local ice cream shop to help them make a fresh carton of ice cream. Daniel gets to create his very own brand of ice cream by mixing together his favorite candy ingredients.

19. Exploring a Rainforest.


Daniel Cook experiences first hand what it feels like to be in a rainforest when he visits the Science Centre. Daniel learns about tortoises before getting to see and hold some giant insects.

20. At Famous People Players.


21. Doing Magic.


22. Playing Drums.


23. Learning Ballet.


24. Learning About Electricity.


25. Breakdancing.


Daniel Cook takes his first break dancing lesson. Daniel learns how to listen and dance to the beats in a song before creating his own break dancing moves.

26. At The Science Centre.


27. Tap Dancing.


Daniel Cook gets his first formal tap dancing lesson. Daniel learns about tap shoes before hitting the dance floor to create his own tap dancing moves.

28. Making Paper.


Daniel Cook learns how to shred old pieces of newspaper and mix it into pulp to create a new piece of paper. Daniel puts his creativity to the test by adding different colors of pulp to his new paper creation.

29. At The Fire Station.


Daniel Cook tours a fire station and learns about the different tools fire fighters use to fight fire. Daniel suits up in a fire fighter’s outfit, sprays a fire hose and even sounds the fire engine’s siren!

30. Exploring a Pond.


31. Hiking.


32. Training Puppies.


Daniel Cook meets a dog trainer who teaches him how to help take care of a new puppy. Daniel works with the trainer to teach a six-week-old puppy to sit and stay.

33. Taking Pictures.


34. Learning About Beekeeping.


Daniel Cook visits a beehive and learns how bees use flowers to make honey. Daniel assists the beekeeper to open up the hive, take out the panels and watch the honey ooze out.

35. Composting.


36. Making Apple Pie.


37. Learning About Egypt.


38. At the Farm.


Daniel Cook visits a local farm and learns about the different animals that live there. Daniel helps feed the sheep and goats before exploring the barn.

39. Learning About Dinosaurs.


Daniel Cook gets to see dinosaur bones up close for the first time when he visits the dinosaur exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum. Daniel will look at several dinosaurs including his favourite – the mighty T-Rex – before getting to touch and examine real dinosaur bones!

40. Learning To Milk a Cow.


Daniel learns about the different types of cows on a farm and how farmers take care of their animals. Daniel brushes and feeds a cow before learning how to milk her.

41. Baking Cookies.


42. In Medieval Times.


43. Learning To Fly a Plane.


44. Making a Clay Dragon.


Daniel Cook learns how to work clay into a dragon shape. Daniel paints his clay dragon before putting it in the kiln.

45. Canoeing.


Daniel Cook joins a local camp to try canoeing for the first time. Daniel learns how to use a paddle to control the direction and speed of the boat, knowledge that will prove useful when steering towards the sprinklers!

46. Making Pizza.


Daniel Cook learns first hand how his favourite food is made. Daniel learns the art of pizza making from a local pizza maker including how to toss the dough and how to add just the right amount of ingredients.

47. At The Dentist.


Daniel Cook has a dental appointment to get his teeth cleaned. Daniel learns what each of the dentist’s tools is used for and why it’s important to brush his teeth everyday.

48. At The Police Station.


Daniel Cook tours a police station and learns about the different vehicles police officers use to help the community. Daniel takes a ride on a police boat before exploring the inside of an actual police cruiser.

49. Learning About Poetry.


Daniel Cook joins poet Loris Lesynski and learns how to write poetry. Daniel listens to some of Loris’s work before creating his own snake poem.

50. Learning To Ride a Horse.


Daniel Cook gets his first horseback-riding lesson. Daniel learns how to properly sit on the saddle and how to use the reigns to tell the horse where he wants to go.

51. Making a Gingerbread House.


52. Busking.


Daniel Cook joins a traveling troupe of busker performers! Daniel learns how to make balloon animals and walk on stilts before being called up on stage to participate in a puppet show.

53. Making a Book.


Daniel Cook learns how books are made while watching as his own “This is Daniel Cook” book is put together at a local printer. Daniel watches as big machines print, cut, fold and staple all the various pieces to make a book.

54. Learning How To Figure Skate.


55. At The Art Gallery.


56. Learning About Raptors.


57. Clowning.


Daniel Cook joins professional clown Doo Doo and learns the art of clowning. Together, Doo Doo and Daniel apply make-up, learn magic tricks and put on a clown show together.

58. On A Tall Ship.


Daniel Cook boards a historic tall ship and learns how to tie a knot and let the sails out. Daniel tours the great ship with the Captain before assuming the role of acting Captain and directing the ship to open waters.

59. At The Doctor's Office.


60. Learning About Trains.


Daniel Cook tours a historic train station before learning from the Motorman how to control the big electric trains. Daniel learns how trains have evolved over time and which trains people use today.

61. Learning How to Bowl.


Daniel Cook shoots for a strike! Daniel teams up with a champion bowler for his first bowling lesson. Daniel learns how to use his arms and legs to control the direction he wants his bowling ball to go.

62. Making This Is Daniel Cook.


Daniel Cook learns how his television show is made by following the production process from start to finish. Daniel learns about directing, how to use a camera and even edits his own show opening.

63. With The Earth Rangers.


64. Rock Climbing.


Daniel Cook scales a rock-climbing wall! Daniel learns about the safety equipment rock climbers use and why it is important to have someone with you when you rock climb. With his harness on, Daniel climbs his way up to the top of the rock-climbing wall.

65. At A Street Festival.
