All Available Episode

All Season 4 Episode

1. Australia Den


Eight-year-old Oscar lives in Scotland and wants an Australia den so he can remember his Aussie hometown.

2. Queen Victoria Den


Eleven-year-old Amelie wants a Queen Victoria den where she can pass on her love of history to her friends.

3. Army Coding Den


Eleven-year-old Yusuf dreams of being in the army and hopes to one day to use his love of computer coding to become an army intelligence officer.

4. Sweetie Den


Cara, who has a form of dwarfism, has a sweet tooth and loves to dance. She needs a Sweetie Den where everything is the right height for her and she can disco dance!

5. Politics Den


Jilan, 12, has a passion for politics and wants to be prime minister one day. She needs a Politics Den where she can plan her campaigns in peace and quiet!

6. Cricket Den


Rhodri can't go to his local cricket club as often as he'd like. Rhodri needs a den where he can practice cricket whenever he likes.

7. Sewing Den


Daisy loves sewing but has to pack everything away when it is dinner time. She needs a sewing den where she can create fabulous designs in peace.

8. Farm Den


Archie needs a farm den where he can grow and harvest vegetables and look after his chickens.

9. Magic Den


Tali needs a magic den where she can practise her tricks in secret, without giving the game away.

10. Cycling Den


Campbell needs a cycling den where he can cycle all over the world without getting oil on his parents' sofa.

11. Community Den


The Dengineers help St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School in Manchester create a new space for pupils with specific needs from an old double decker bus.

12. Highlights


The presenters look back at all the amazing dens the team have built throughout the series and reminisce about the great kids, the tense surprises and the big reveals.

13. Revisits One


Lauren and Joe revisit the eco, Scottish castle, Turkish and sport dens.

14. Revisits Two


Lauren and Joe revisit the observatory, gingerbread house, sensory and community dens.