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All Season 5 Episode

1. Make Yourself At Home


Down-trodden Walter has never really enjoyed good health; in fact he's never really enjoyed anything. And when the Grim Reaper finally swings his scythe it's no good ducking - even if you've got the energy. In the Pledge's best bedroom - the one with the posh lampshade - he is sinking fast. The problem for the Pledge's is to get him to make a will before he goes under for the third time.

2. Compliments Of The Season


Christmas…The time for the loved ones to be gathered together in one place. But when you don't want them, and you can't get rid of them, you might find that there is not quite enough goodwill - or indeed anything else - to go round.

3. Barefaced In The Park


When a prowler prowls in the local park it is time for decent, respectable women to lock themselves in their houses. When Nellie and Lily set off in search of him - to clear Walter's name - it is more likely to be the prowler who stands in danger!

4. A Man And A Woman


Nellie and Eli suspect that Lily's interest in the new coalman is much more inflammable than his wares. Where there is so much smoke, they reason, there must be fire - especially in a smokeless zone!

5. Bottoms Up


When Nellie takes over the local pub, business booms - for every other pub in the district! Eli suggests a striptease act to bring the crowds back, and that can only mean trouble, especially for Nellie and Eli.

6. X Marks The Spot


Eli hires a new works manager from the local labour exchange; but why does the arrival of Major Lovelace [retired] of Catterick have him cowering in fear?

7. Something In The Night


Burglars never worry Eli Pledge. He knows there's nothing worth pinching in the house. Why, then, do they worry Nellie? Has she something to hide?

8. Lucky For Some


The management of Pledge's Purer Pickles is pleased to offer a Directorship to any man who wins a fortune on the football pools, even if it turns out to be Stan.