All Available Episode

All The World Episode

1. The Adventure Begins


Holger makes contact with his young relative Flora Graaf.

2. Lost In The Desert


Mortensen has stolen Holger's identity for the geographer's great desert conference in Windhoek, Namibia.

3. Meeting On The Savannah


Flora and Mortensen meet an American geographer who gives them a dangerous mission.

4. Across the Indian Ocean


Mortensen and Flora make their way to the coast of Mozambique with the mission of finding the mysterious treasure.

5. The Battle In The Rainforest


Flora and Mortensen look for Geografi Graaf's assistant Ravi.

6. The Island Under The Southern Country


Flora and Mortensen are welcomed by Ravi. They hope to get answers to any questions they have about the mystery.

7. Among Acacias And Fever Trees


Flora and Mortensen head to Australia and the remote island of Tasmania's temperate forests and rivers in search of the secret cave.

8. The Coordinators


Flora and Mortensen get a ride out to sea with a lobster fisherman off Tasmania.

9. Deep Forests And Rocky Mountains


The black sun follows Flora and Mortensen and it becomes a wild chase through the coniferous forest and into a wild rapids below the Rocky Mountains.

10. From the Prairies to the Pampas


Our heroes get tied up and left in a barn.

11. The Cold In The South


Flora, Mortensen, and Esmé head south to find the Black Sun's headquarters.

12. Fin Del Mundo


Flora does everything she can to save her friends and defeat the powerful Brotherhood of the Black Sun.