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All Season 3 Episode

1. Levi Bellfield


Levi Bellfield. Levi Bellfield denied his connection to a series of murders and rapes, but videotaped police interviews tell a different story. Experts spot the giveaway signs.

2. Chris Parker


Experts analyse a man’s deception following the Manchester Arena terror attack. Police tapes expose a man who murdered his wife and hid her body in the freezer.

3. Fred Talbot


When arrested for historic sexual offences, TV weatherman Fred Talbot tried to hide the truth in police interviews. His repeated response of ‘no comment’ speaks volumes.

4. Harold Shipman


Harold Shipman was a much-loved doctor. Millions watched the GP speaking on TV discussing the benefits of care, not knowing he'd already killed dozens of patients.

5. Darren Vickers


Eight-year-old Jamie Lavis was on the bus Darren Vickers was driving before he disappeared. Vickers joined the hunt and spoke on TV – but was hiding an awful truth.

6. Michael Lane


Shana Grice was murdered after being stalked by her ex-boyfriend, Michael Lane. He denied involvement, but experts examine police videos to determine the truth.

7. Ben Butler & Jennie Gray


In a rage, Ben Butler killed his young daughter, Ellie, but along with his wife faked a 999 call and protested innocence. Experts analyse their interviews.

8. Nathan Matthews & Shauna Hoare


When 16-year-old Becky Watts vanished without trace suspicions fell on her step-brother and his partner. Experts analyse police interviews for clues.

9. Justin Barber


When April Barber was murdered at a remote beauty spot, her husband said he tried to stop the killer and even appealed for help on TV. Experts analyse his deception.

10. Scott Peterson


When Laci Peterson went missing, her husband claimed he last saw her before he went fishing - but his secret mistress exposed his lies. Experts examine his behaviour.