The show features eleven celebrities living together in a share house, sharing common spaces such as the kitchen, living room, and washrooms, as well as household tasks. The house features sixty cameras and five bedrooms. The program is a response to society today where single-person households are dramatically increasing and aims to show the life, troubles, and joys of eleven different celebrities as they form friendships, relationships and possibly enemies living together under one roof.
Current Season
Season 2
With the departure of some of the original roommates, we now have a new crop of boarders in the house: Bae Jong Ok, Jackson from GOT7, Sunny from Girls' Generation, Park Joon Hyung from g.o.d., Otani Ryohei, comedian Lee Gook Joo, and Heo Young Ji from KARA! Will everyone get along, or will they be driven crazy by their new roommates' snoring and crazy antics?