This Life
Set in contemporary Montreal, “This Life” is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplished columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to prepare her teenage children for life without her. Her tight-knit family – sister, two brothers and parents – do the best they can to help her, while coping with their own responses to this revelation.
Current Season
Season 2
Season 2 finds Natalie Lawson living with hope that her cancer can be stopped, navigating her promising drug trial, and grappling with the return of her ex-husband, David -- who, after a 10-year absence, wants to be a father to their children again. Every Lawson continues to encounter their own set of unique, compelling obstacles. Matthew faces tough choices when it comes to saving his marriage; Maggie goes to surprising new extremes in her late transformation into adulthood; and Oliver puts everything on the line for the sake of his career.