A raw family drama set against the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Venice, California. Alvey Kulina owns Navy St. MMA with the help of his girlfriend Lisa Prince. He is willing to go through extraordinary means to make sure his fighters are taken care of, but all of this responsibility comes at a steep price. He has complicated relationships with both of his sons, Jay and Nate, who are both struggling with their own identities and places within Alvey’s life and gym.
Current Season
Season 3
Season three is filled with relatable incidences - the battle for recognition, the exhilaration of victory, the humiliation of defeat and the memories of dreams shattered until a single moment introduces the possibility of a better or, at least different, future. Despite the hard punches inside the cage, the Navy St. MMA family never lose sight of their humanity, the strength of family bonds and battling demons in and out of the cage.