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The Five Brothers


The Five Brothers is a five part series taken place in the span of the 1960’s surrounding the lives of five brothers of Juthathep palace who were raised by their two grandmothers after a car accident that claimed the lives of their parents, namely Mom Chao Vichakorn Juthathep. Born into the prestigious title of Mom Ratchawongse, the five brothers are set on a pedestal by their grandmothers to not only be a gentleman, but to set a good example, defend the underdog and marry well. Especially marry well. And we get to witness how each one tackle this issue. This sets the premise of the struggles and conflict in this series. The five Juthatheps inherited a responsibility greater than the sum of their parts: one of them must marry a lady of the Dhevaproms due to a sacred promise that their father made with a “friend” who saved his life. To avoid marriage is to be an ingrate and that is the biggest ado in this period.

Current Season

Khun Chai Ronapee


Khunchai Ronnapee...the daring pilot of the Royal Air Force with love that transcends customs. The youngest of the five, khunchai Taratorn's younger brother. His mother is the First Wife. Who could believe that this noble pilot will meet a female celebrity? It was like a dream! She fell right into his arms during an accident on a film set. These two will break the traditions, and go through the barrier of nobility so that everyone will be certain than she is a dancer who loves him as another common pilot, not because of his nobility bloodline.


  • [Trailer] สุภาพบุรุษจุฑาเทพ คุณชายรัชชานนท์ l ดูย้อนหลังครบทุกตอนที่ TrueID

  • [Trailer] สุภาพบุรุษจุฑาเทพ คุณชายรณพีร์ l ดูย้อนหลังครบทุกตอนที่ TrueID

  • [Trailer] สุภาพบุรุษจุฑาเทพ คุณชายพุฒิภัทร l ดูย้อนหลังครบทุกตอนที่ TrueID

  • [Trailer] สุภาพบุรุษจุฑาเทพ คุณชายปวรรุจ l ดูย้อนหลังครบทุกตอนที่ TrueID

  • [Trailer] สุภาพบุรุษจุฑาเทพ คุณชายธราธร l ดูย้อนหลังครบทุกตอนที่ TrueID


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