Blankety Blank
Blankety Blank is a British comedy game show based on the 1977–1979 Australian game show Blankety Blanks. The British version ran from 18 January 1979 to 12 March 1990 on BBC One, hosted first by Terry Wogan and later by Les Dawson. Regular members of the celebrity panel on this version included Kenny Everett, Lorraine Chase, Gareth Hunt, Gary Davies, and Cheryl Baker. A revival fronted by Lily Savage was produced by the BBC from 26 December 1997 to 28 December 1999, followed by ITV from 7 January 2001 to 10 August 2002. This version was produced by Grundy, then Thames.
Current Season
Season 17
With falling ratings and the last episodes shelved by ITV, the series went off the air for over a decade. The unaired final episodes eventually premiered on the Freeview channel Challenge in August 2005, while the show itself received a reboot in 2021 with Bradley Walsh.