Mix Master
Mix Master is a Korea - Japan co-produced anime series based on the MMORPG, also known by the name Mix Master King of Cards. It is a co-production by Nippon Animation of Japan and Sunwoo Entertainment and KBS of Korea. The series aired on Cartoon Network in many Asian areas from Southeast Asia to South Korea and all of Asia between. The story centers on the fantasy and adventure card game, Mix Master. This anime series has many bearing similarities to Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Masters.
Current Season
Final Force
In this story, Ditt forgets that he was a Mix Master. But when the time comes to save the world once again, he finds new friends to help him in his battle against Eva and Babel, the two new antagonists. After the battle, Ditt and his friends meet the true antagonist of the season, Red Knight. They find out that Red Knight was once a hero who couldn't resist the taste of power and decided to enslave henches to get more power. He ended up being enslaved by his own core force. When Ditt and his comrades finally defeated him they thought it was over but they had to deal with another big threat: Red Knight had a friend called Blue Fox, also mad due to his mad quest for power. He is trying to obtain the Dark Mix Masters.