Top Cooku Dupe Cooku
Top Cooku Dupe Cooku is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show, Produced by Media Masons. The show based on Star Vijay's Cooku with Comali. It premieres on Sun TV on May 19, 2024, and airs every Sunday at 12:30 (IST). It is also available for streaming on Sun NXT. The show judged by Chef Venkatesh Bhat, Binny Krishnakumar and hosted by VJ Rakesh.
Current Season
Season 1
Get ready for laughter and culinary chaos! 'Top Cooku Dupe Cooku' is a comedy cookery show where a celebrity top cook teams up with a chef and a dupe cook to execute a culinary challenge. Tune in for a hilarious dose of comedy, food, and fun!