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Metal Cardbot

There are metal cadbots on Earth that are living by transforming them into beacles, hiding stagnation. The protagonist Jun accidentally gets Metabres in his hand, and gets caught up in numerous events with Bluecap... Can Lee Yeon-jun seal the metal cardbots scattered on Earth?

Current Season

Season 3



  • 메탈카드봇 METAL CARDBOT | 오프닝, 셋업! | 3/29(수) 저녁 5시, 첫 방송!🤖

  • 메탈카드봇 METAL CARDBOT | 소년, 로봇을 만나다 | 메탈카드봇, 셋업!🤖

  • 메탈카드봇 METAL CARDBOT | 2nd Teaser | COMING SOON🤖

  • 메탈카드봇 METAL CARDBOT | Teaser | COMING SOON🤖


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