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A Captain's Log


A Journalistic news source and interview TV Talk show beaming down the latest Star Trek news and views from all the ships crews. A Captain's Log guides viewers through this side of our galaxy's quadrant with a splash of knowledge in our top 10 lists and interviews. Looking through Roddenberry's Star Trek universe and beyond in this half hour scoop at warp power, host Bryan Kreutz, his co-host Lili Fox-Lim steer viewers into a knowledge-based trek of Klingon language all the way through full interviews with guests the fans want to hear from. Bryan and Lili are accompanied by an animated alter ego named Rogg to humor viewers with relevant Star Trek news and views. From a Starfleet ambassador's point of view, as Ambassador to the fan's, Bryan Kreutz hands over the conn to his animated android counterpart's perspective ranging from logical knowledge to unknowns in Star Trek's Past, present, and beyond.

Current Season

Season 3


The biggest season to date with 20 episodes. Interviews with Star Trek Original Series (1960's) guests to Star Trek: The Next Generation guests, Deep Space Nine, Strange New Worlds and more top 10 lists.


  • "A Captain's Log" promotional trailer season 2 for the TV release

  • "A Captain's Log" TV talk show Promo


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