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Parents League


What is the best for children? A stress-free environment or a live-happily-ever-after life? A well-planned head-start or an all-rounded ability? Life is a race, and the kindergarten is the first battlefield! With the support of her husband, Armand, Nora resigns from work and devotes herself to taking care of their daughter Yoyo who cannot adapt well to kindergarten life.

Current Season

Season 2


Love You All Kindergarten had to close, but its seven former students now attend Happy School, giving their parents some much-needed time off. As everyone adjusts, Class 1A's teacher, Miss Sin, surprises the parents by being a Happy School alumna who aims to restore its former glory. Strict and dedicated, she seeks to instill strong values and a solid educational foundation in her students, earning both respect and fear. However, the free-spirited former kindergarteners often push her limits, making them frequent targets of her scolding. Charles frequently clashes with Miss Sin over her strict methods but also supports her vision of nurturing elite students, leading to a mix of conflict and cooperation between them.


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