Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle
Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is a comedy series created by Stewart Lee. The BBC Two series debuted on 16 March 2009, and featured stand-up routines filmed at The Mildmay Club in Newington Green, and sketches based on a weekly theme, featuring amongst others Simon Munnery, Kevin Eldon and Paul Putner with voice-over parts recorded by Peter Serafinowicz. The series is produced by Richard Webb and directed by Tim Kirkby. The programme is executive-produced by Armando Iannucci and script-edited by Chris Morris, marking a rare reformation of their creative double-act.
Current Season
Season 4
Stewart Lee returns with his BAFTA winning series filmed in front of a live audience at the Mildmay Club in Stoke Newington. Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle 4 is full of brand new stand-up material with each episode covering a different topic. Themes this series include patriotism, wealth, islamophobia, the migrant crisis, death, and childhood memories.