Shiho Niiyama March 21, 1970 0.5 Known For Tv Known For Detatoko Princess Dec, 1997 JA 0 seasons 5.0 Tico of the Seven Seas Jan, 1994 JA 0 seasons 7.1 Neighborhood Story Sep, 1995 JA 0 seasons 6.7 Hyper Police Apr, 1997 JA 0 seasons 7.5 CLAMP School Detectives May, 1997 JA 0 seasons 5.8 Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight Apr, 1998 JA 0 seasons 7.6Known For Movie Known For Perfect Blue Feb, 1998 JA 0 mins 8.3 Battle Skipper The Movie Jul, 1996 JA 0 mins 2.0 Debutante Detective Corps Mar, 1996 JA 0 mins 4.8 Neighborhood Story The Movie Mar, 1996 JA 0 mins 5.5