Peter Zilles January 1, 0001 0.6 Known For Tv Known For Wolffs Revier Sep, 1992 DE 0 seasons 3.4 A Case For Two Sep, 1981 DE 0 seasons 5.2 Der Fahnder Sep, 1984 DE 0 seasons 6.9 Kowalsky May, 1997 DE 0 seasons 0.0 SOKO München Jan, 1978 DE 0 seasons 5.5 Das Nest Jan, 1989 DE 0 seasons 2.0 A Case For Two Sep, 1981 DE 0 seasons 5.2 Mit List und Krücke Jan, 1992 DE 0 seasons 0.0Known For Movie Known For Asterix Conquers America Sep, 1994 DE 0 mins 6.2 The Boss from the West Nov, 1988 EN 0 mins 1.0 Drei D Oct, 1988 DE 0 mins 0.0 Fotofinish Oct, 1986 DE 0 mins 0.0