Chi Huaqiong January 7, 1975 0.2 Known For Tv Known For 红色警戒 Jan, 2001 ZH 0 seasons 10.0 都市巡警 Jan, 2000 ZH 0 seasons 0.0 七日 Jan, 2003 ZH 0 seasons 0.0 非常24小时 Feb, 2005 ZH 0 seasons 3.0 中华之剑 Oct, 2004 ZH 0 seasons 0.0 南宋传奇之蟋蟀宰相 Mar, 2003 ZH 0 seasons 0.0 Ancient Legends Aug, 2010 ZH 0 seasons 7.0 Sinful Debt Jan, 1994 ZH 0 seasons 8.0 承诺 Jan, 1995 ZH 0 seasons 0.0 情满珠江 Jan, 1994 ZH 0 seasons 10.0 十六岁的花季 Mar, 1990 ZH 0 seasons 8.0Known For Movie Known For 德吉的诉讼 Sep, 2013 ZH 0 mins 0.0 Do the World Darts 5 Sep, 2007 ZH 0 mins 0.0 The Silence of a Hero Oct, 2000 ZH 0 mins 0.0 Crash Landing Jan, 2000 ZH 0 mins 6.7 刘胡兰 Jan, 1996 ZH 0 mins 0.0 The Wedding Maidens Sep, 1990 ZH 0 mins 0.0