Steponas Kosmauskas April 29, 1918 0.1 Known For Tv Known For Raudonmedžio Rojus Jan, 1980 LT 0 seasons 4.5Known For Movie Known For Flight Over the Atlantic Jan, 1984 LT 0 mins 6.0 Unseeded Rye Blossom Nov, 1979 LT 0 mins 0.0 The Face in the Target Sep, 1978 LT 0 mins 4.7 Sodybų tuštėjimo metas May, 1978 LT 0 mins 0.0 The Soldier and the Elephant Mar, 1978 RU 0 mins 4.8 Saduto Tuto Dec, 1974 LT 0 mins 7.4 Merry Stories Dec, 1973 LT 0 mins 0.0 At the Limit Sep, 1973 LT 0 mins 0.0 Akmuo ant akmens Dec, 1971 LT 0 mins 0.0 Castling in the long side Dec, 1969 RU 0 mins 5.5 Ave, Vita Dec, 1969 LT 0 mins 6.6 June, the Beginning of Summer Dec, 1969 LT 0 mins 6.0 The Turn May, 1968 LT 0 mins 0.0 Don't Shoot on the 26-th Jun, 1967 RU 0 mins 0.0 Naktys be nakvynės Oct, 1966 LT 0 mins 0.0 Steps in the Night Oct, 1963 LT 0 mins 0.0 Living Heroes Nov, 1960 LT 0 mins 5.2