Yiorgos Moroyiannis January 1, 0001 0.2 Known For Tv Known For Καρυωτάκης Jan, 2009 EL 0 seasons 8.0 Η Μανιάτισσα Sep, 1987 EL 0 seasons 0.0Known For Movie Known For Το Βουνό Μπροστά Nov, 2008 EL 0 mins 0.0 To the Inn Nov, 2003 EL 0 mins 0.0 Άδης Dec, 1996 EL 0 mins 4.0 Before the End of the World Nov, 1996 EL 0 mins 0.0 Borderline Jan, 1994 EL 0 mins 5.3 Η Αριάδνη μένει στη Λέρο Sep, 1993 EL 0 mins 0.0 Crows Sep, 1991 EL 0 mins 6.0 U-Turn Sep, 1991 EL 0 mins 8.0 What Did You Do in the War, Thanassi? Sep, 1971 EL 0 mins 6.8