Franco Leo January 1, 0001 0.7 Known For Movie Known For Danse Macabre Sep, 2017 IT 0 mins 4.1 The Mouth of the Wolf Nov, 2009 IT 0 mins 6.2 Bye Bye Berlusconi! Feb, 2006 IT 0 mins 5.0 Amleto di Carmelo Bene (da Shakespeare a Laforgue) Apr, 1978 IT 0 mins 6.5 One Hamlet Less Nov, 1973 IT 0 mins 7.3 Salomé Oct, 1972 IT 0 mins 7.0 A Rather Complicated Girl Feb, 1969 IT 0 mins 5.1 Twice a Judas Aug, 1968 IT 0 mins 5.7 Johnny Hamlet Mar, 1968 IT 0 mins 6.3 L'incoronazione di Carlo Magno Jan, 1968 IT 0 mins 0.0Known For Tv Known For The Life of Leonardo da Vinci Oct, 1971 IT 0 seasons 8.2