Zdeněk Srstka September 26, 1935 1.0 Known For Movie Known For Ten, kdo tě miloval Nov, 2018 CS 0 mins 3.5 Tajemství pouze služební May, 2016 CS 0 mins 6.0 Vůně kávy Mar, 2012 CS 0 mins 0.0 Školní výlet Feb, 2012 CS 0 mins 3.3 Gorila Dec, 2011 CS 0 mins 4.0 Czech Made Man Apr, 2011 CS 0 mins 6.9 Pamětnice Nov, 2009 CS 0 mins 5.3 Psí kus Nov, 2005 CS 0 mins 7.0 Cesta peklem May, 1995 CS 0 mins 4.0 Le cri coupé Oct, 1994 FR 0 mins 4.5 The Canary Connection Sep, 1993 CS 0 mins 3.5 Deset malých běloušků Jan, 1993 CS 0 mins 0.0 The Witches of the Suburbs Jun, 1991 CS 0 mins 0.0 Svědek umírajícího času Feb, 1991 CS 0 mins 6.0 The Gentle Barbarian Sep, 1990 CS 0 mins 5.3 The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night Jun, 1990 CS 0 mins 4.3 Mark of Cain Jan, 1989 CS 0 mins 0.0 Láska na inzerát Jan, 1988 CS 0 mins 0.0 Přátelé bermudského trojúhelníku Jul, 1987 CS 0 mins 4.7 The Great Movie Robbery Jan, 1987 CS 0 mins 6.0 Jonáš a Melicharová Dec, 1986 CS 0 mins 0.0 An Accident Sep, 1986 CS 0 mins 0.0 Eine zauberhafte Erbschaft Jul, 1986 DE 0 mins 4.9 Hele, on letí! Jun, 1986 CS 0 mins 4.0 Winning Quietly Mar, 1986 CS 0 mins 6.5 ...nebo být zabit Feb, 1986 CS 0 mins 6.0 Kára plná bolesti Feb, 1986 SK 0 mins 2.0 Zátah Jan, 1986 CS 0 mins 0.0 Oldrich and Bozena Aug, 1985 CS 0 mins 3.0 Chief, Let's Go! Jun, 1985 CS 0 mins 6.0 Hubert the Smart Boy Jun, 1985 CS 0 mins 5.9 How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions Apr, 1985 CS 0 mins 6.0 Barrandovské nokturno aneb Jak film tančil a zpíval Feb, 1985 CS 0 mins 0.0 Dissolved and Effused Jan, 1985 CS 0 mins 6.9 The Infinity Castle Nov, 1984 CS 0 mins 5.0 Komediant Oct, 1984 CS 0 mins 5.0 Samorost Jun, 1984 CS 0 mins 2.0 Levé křídlo May, 1984 CS 0 mins 3.3 Oči pro pláč Apr, 1984 CS 0 mins 0.0 The Arctic Is Calling Mar, 1984 DE 0 mins 8.0 The Snowdrop Festival Jan, 1984 CS 0 mins 6.5 Chief, Come Back! Jan, 1984 CS 0 mins 6.0 Fandy ó Fandy Dec, 1983 CS 0 mins 4.3 Putování Jana Amose Oct, 1983 CS 0 mins 4.0 Únos Moravanky Aug, 1983 CS 0 mins 1.5 Hearty Greetings from the Globe Jul, 1983 CS 0 mins 6.9 Šílený kankán May, 1983 CS 0 mins 0.0 Celý svet nad hlavou Jan, 1983 SK 0 mins 0.0 Chief, It's Amazing Dec, 1982 CS 0 mins 6.2 Příště budeme chytřejší, staroušku! Dec, 1982 CS 0 mins 6.7 Sny o Zambezi Dec, 1982 CS 0 mins 0.0 How the World Is Losing Poets Nov, 1982 CS 0 mins 6.3 Vinobraní Oct, 1982 CS 0 mins 4.0 The Last One Will Go to Hell Jul, 1982 CS 0 mins 4.8 Zelená vlna Jun, 1982 CS 0 mins 5.0 Mezičas May, 1982 CS 0 mins 2.0 Attention, Rounds! Apr, 1982 CS 0 mins 6.8 Zabijačka Jan, 1982 CS 0 mins 0.0 Velký případ malého detektiva a policejního psa Kykýna Jan, 1982 CS 0 mins 0.0 Kam zmizel kurýr Oct, 1981 CS 0 mins 5.3 Bulldogs and Cherries Sep, 1981 CS 0 mins 4.4 Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci May, 1981 CS 0 mins 3.0 Sugar House May, 1981 CS 0 mins 6.0 V hlavní roli Oldřich Nový Dec, 1980 CS 0 mins 2.0 Dark Sun Sep, 1980 CS 0 mins 4.8 Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem Aug, 1980 CS 0 mins 8.0 Love Between the Raindrops May, 1980 CS 0 mins 6.5 The Divine Emma Dec, 1979 CS 0 mins 6.3 Death of Hitch-Hikers Oct, 1979 CS 0 mins 5.4 Chased and Suspected Aug, 1979 CS 0 mins 0.0 Ball Lightning Aug, 1979 CS 0 mins 6.9 The Secret of Steel City May, 1979 CS 0 mins 5.6 Píseň o stromu a růži Apr, 1979 CS 0 mins 6.0 The Ninth Heart Apr, 1979 CS 0 mins 6.4 House Call Jan, 1979 CS 0 mins 8.0 Když kluci drží basu Dec, 1978 CS 0 mins 0.0 Miluška a její zvířátka Dec, 1978 CS 0 mins 0.0 Lvi salónů Dec, 1978 CS 0 mins 8.0 On the Great River Nov, 1978 CS 0 mins 7.0 Settlement of Crows Sep, 1978 CS 0 mins 6.3 Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet Aug, 1978 CS 0 mins 7.5 Monkey's Playtime Feb, 1978 CS 0 mins 5.8 Tichý Američan v Praze Jan, 1978 CS 0 mins 6.0 Long Live Ghosts! Nov, 1977 CS 0 mins 7.1 Our Gang Jul, 1977 CS 0 mins 6.5 Almost King Jul, 1977 CS 0 mins 6.3 Day for My Love Jun, 1977 CS 0 mins 5.9 The Liberation of Prague May, 1977 CS 0 mins 2.0 Vánoce u Matěnů Dec, 1976 CS 0 mins 0.0 The Little Mermaid Nov, 1976 CS 0 mins 6.8 Marecek, Pass Me the Pen! Oct, 1976 CS 0 mins 7.7 Čas lásky a naděje Sep, 1976 CS 0 mins 0.0 Tam kde hnízdí čápi Mar, 1976 CS 0 mins 3.0 The Day That Shook the World Oct, 1975 SH 0 mins 5.9 Kateřina a její děti Sep, 1975 CS 0 mins 0.0 Dvacátý devátý Apr, 1975 CS 0 mins 2.0 The Motive for Murder Apr, 1975 CS 0 mins 3.5 A Night at Karlstein Jul, 1974 CS 0 mins 7.6 Zvony pana Mlácena Dec, 1973 CS 0 mins 0.0 Kronika žhavého léta Aug, 1973 CS 0 mins 3.0 Days of Betrayal Apr, 1973 CS 0 mins 5.0 Miss Golem Mar, 1973 CS 0 mins 4.6 Hroch Mar, 1973 CS 0 mins 3.0 Six Bears and a Clown Dec, 1972 CS 0 mins 6.8 And Give My Love to the Swallows May, 1972 CS 0 mins 4.7 Burglar and Umbrella Apr, 1971 CS 0 mins 3.6 You Are a Widow, Sir Jan, 1971 CS 0 mins 7.0 A Killer on the Tracks Aug, 1970 CS 0 mins 5.9 Four Murders Are Enough, Darling Jul, 1970 CS 0 mins 6.3 Fotbal Oct, 1965 CS 0 mins 0.0 Adventures with a Naked Boy Apr, 1965 CS 0 mins 5.0 Lov na mamuta Apr, 1965 CS 0 mins 0.0 Courage for Every Day Jan, 1965 CS 0 mins 5.9 Lemonade Joe Oct, 1964 CS 0 mins 7.1 Šlechetný cowboy Sandy Jan, 1964 CS 0 mins 10.0 Tarzanova smrt Feb, 1963 CS 0 mins 5.5Known For Tv Known For Noha 22 Sep, 2011 CS 0 seasons 0.0 A Prague Underworld Apr, 1988 CS 0 seasons 7.8 Možná přijde i kouzelník Feb, 1983 CS 0 seasons 8.5 Možná přijde i... Kaiser a Lábus Jan, 1979 CS 0 seasons 10.0 Sanitka 2 Sep, 2013 CS 0 seasons 4.0 Infidelity, Slovak Style Jul, 1981 SK 0 seasons 10.0 Pan Tau Dec, 1970 DE 0 seasons 6.6 Princ a chuďas Dec, 1971 CS 0 seasons 0.0 Veselé příhody z natáčení Jan, 1988 CS 0 seasons 0.0 Thirty Cases of Major Zema Jan, 1976 CS 0 seasons 7.2 Krásný ztráty Feb, 2000 CS 0 seasons 5.7 Gagman May, 1988 SK 0 seasons 7.0 The Physician of a Dying Time Feb, 1984 SK 0 seasons 8.0 Sanitka Nov, 1984 CS 0 seasons 7.4 Paragrafy na kolech May, 1985 CS 0 seasons 0.0 Slavné historky zbojnické Mar, 1986 CS 0 seasons 7.3