Satin Rouge

Writen by bollywoodqueen on March 05, 2017

**Fantastic film** _Originally posted on IMDb 21st December 2013._ This is the second time I have watched 'Satin rouge', and I thought I would write a short review. The first time I watched the film I became very intrigued about Tunisian culture; at the time I knew virtually nothing about the country. I was surprised to read about how much more liberal the country is compared to other Islamic countries in the Middle East/North Africa. For example the Government actually discourage the wearing of the hijab, and religion in general seems to be a bit more secular. The liberation of women in Islamic-dominated countries is not often seen so I enjoyed that aspect of this film in particular. The main reason why I chose to watch 'Satin rouge' initially is because of the beautiful Hiam Abbass, a seasoned actress, whom I have seen in many films now. I enjoyed the film more after watching the second time. What I love most about it is that there is nothing overly spectacular about it. The plot, the editing, the scenes. But that's what makes it so good as well, because it is simple and that adds a sense of realism. It is a lovely little depiction of Tunisian life and culture. Hiam was the perfect choice as traditional Lilia. It was amazing to see her character transform from a shy, plain widow with a bland and uninteresting life, into a more liberated, confident, expressive and beautiful woman with a new zest for life. Whilst we don't see much depth in some of the supporting characters (including Lilia's daughter), they all complement Lilia's character nicely. There are a couple of saucy scenes too! 'Satin rouge' goes against the usual grain of Islamic/Middle Eastern (or in this case, North African!) culture and society and for that, it is definitely a gem for those who appreciate Indie cinema.