Ride On

Writen by Chris Sawin on April 13, 2023

Ultimately, _Ride On_ was the first film of 2023 to make me cry and the first one in a long while – possibly ever! – to make me ugly cry. If you’re a pet owner or animal lover, _Ride On_ just mercilessly punches your gut and plays a sorrowful symphony on your heartstrings. This is the best Jackie Chan film to come along in at least six years and easily the most emotional film of his career. Genuinely touching with a heart wrenching story that’s as gripping as it is moving, _Ride On_ delivers fast paced action with a side of uncontrollable crying and poignant satisfaction. **Full review:** https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/04/11/ride-on-review-a-galloping-chinese-drama-that-wallops-your-tear-ducts/