Drum Struck

Writen by Charles Tatum on September 30, 2023

This twenty-four minute short film concerns two drummers auditioning for what seems to be a lounge singer. The skinny drummer gets it, and the other drummer attacks him and kills him. The skinny drummer's friends bring him back to life, and the drummers have a pretty funny fight involving drumsticks and flying cymbals. While the music is pretty cool, this short is a family affair that has no real focus. The direction and editing are fine, and the climactic fight did make me chuckle. The film tries too hard to be David Lynch-ish when the material is more black and comic than surreal and strange. There are some funny scenes, but the auditions take too long and the whole production seems depressed. "Drum Struck" is a one joke short film that shows up, plays, and departs without leaving any sort of lasting impression. It will not make my callback.