Boy Kills World

Writen by MovieGuys on May 24, 2024

Boy Kills World is a mash up of by now well known martial arts action genres. Perhaps the most obvious nod is to films like "Kill Bill" which in turn is a satirical parody, of cheesy 70's, 80's and 90's, martial arts action films. Boy Kills World is superficially quite watchable but it feels truncated. This is especially evident in terms of character development and grim comedy. Had it delved further into its potential for larger than life, well rounded characterisations and better exploited its rather dark humour, it could have become a bit of a cult hit. By contrast, its, at times, gratuitous violence, like the creative but painfully cringe worthy, cheese grater scene, is something, I personally felt, needed to be dialled down. In summary, a watchable martial arts action mash up with a cheesy nod to older films, in the genre. Let down a little by missed opportunities for character development and dark humour. Not to mention, at times, over the top violence.