Mistaken Identity

Writen by CinemaSerf on June 25, 2022

This is a mildly amusing outing for BBC radio comic Richard Goolden who picks up the part of a comedian who works at the office of an airline. When he allows impresario "Max Wenda" (Julian Vedey) to use the last two tickets on a flight from Jersey to London, he gets fired. Determined to take advantage of the soft-soaping he had received from this theatre producer, he sets off to live the dream. Meantime, a somewhat reclusive millionaire with the same surname arrives at the same airport at the same time and confusion ensues resulting in our would-be comic being mistaken for his wealthy namesake by aspiring journo "Dave" (Humphrey Morton) and soon everyone is trying to outdo the other (or not to eat the poisoned sweeties). It's harmless fun this, symptomatic of mid war feel-good writing and humour that offers little of substance, but an hour of escapism in times when quite literally the sky was raining in on the audience. You will forget it soon after you have seen it, I'm sure, but it's an engaging enough piece of cinema nostalgia.