You're Next

Writen by r96sk on October 29, 2020

It has a lot going for it, but the parts that aren't quite so positive drag it down a lot. The horror aspects of 'You’re Next' are good. All the deaths are pretty neat, with the villains certainly look the part. Sharni Vinson is memorable in the lead role of Erin, but she's really the only cast member that I enjoyed in this. The set-up, character decisions and ultimate twist are dreadful. I have a decent threshold of ignoring when characters do dumb things, but this film takes the biscuit in that regard. I was questioning so much of what they all do, to the point it got irritating. Some of the editing and camera work isn't great either. Going back to the cast. Vinson is definitely the best person onscreen, her character turns into a very cool one as the film progresses. With that said, I never felt she fitted in well. Vinson as Erin as a film's sole protagonist would be awesome, but she's unfortunately held back a lot in this. I guess if you want a 95 minute slasher that doesn't take any thinking or anything of the sort, then this is a film that's worth a watch. However, for me, the supporting elements aren't good enough to match the solid horror.