Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Writen by MovieGuys on May 29, 2024

Whilst Furiosa isn't a bad action film, I suspect its lacklustre response from audiences, reflects not whats on offer but whats absent. On the upside is loads of heart stopping action, amazing cinematic's, great sets, plus strong performances from the cast. A lesser aspect of the downside is the unnecessarily drawn out back story, replete with details about the key character, no one cares about, which, in turn, leads to the main fault in this film.......ITS NOT ABOUT MAD MAX Rockatansky. Lets be honest, no one's really interested in peripheral characters or their back story, they want the REAL DEAL. That's where this film was always going to fall flat with viewing audiences. If this film had been about Mad Max with a back story covering as yet unrevealed aspects of the life of the younger and older Max, in the latter case played by the actor who made the franchise famous, Mel Gibson, then I suspect Hollywood would have a real HIT on their hands. In summary, you don't make a major film about the back story of a peripheral character from a franchise, you make the film about the MAIN character, its as simple as that. I'm amazed this wasn't obvious.