Clint Walter heads up this rather routine western television movie as the marshal "Harmon" who is drafted into the lawless Yuma territory by the state governor. His arrival immediately leads to bloodshed and that sets him against local kingpin "Arch" (Morgan Woodward) whose brother is no longer amongst us. Feeling just a bit outnumbered, he seeks help from a nearby army post but he gets short shrift from them too - seems he has some history with the army and his murdered family. Edgar Buchanan chips in entertaingly enough as "Mules" but the rest of this is all something we have seen done better before. Indeed, it could easily be an episode of something like the "The High Chaparral". That said, there's plenty of action - shoot outs and gunfights, there's a minimum of romance and the ending, though predictable, is acceptable. You will never remember this film, but it passes the time if you're doing the ironing.