Now You See Me

Writen by The Movie Mob on September 17, 2022

**Now You See Me is a fun genre-mash-up with a fresh new take for heist film fans.** You have seen magician movies like The Prestige and The Illusionist. You have seen heist films like Ocean's Eleven and The Italian Job. Now You See Me decides to combine the genres and make money disappear with a little Abra Kadabra. This clever and fun film puts its robberies on center stage for the crowd to marvel at their magic shows, making their audiences believe it's all part of the show. A cast of up-and-coming stars like Dave Franco and Jesse Eisenberg are coupled with high-caliber Hollywood veterans like Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Woody Harrelson. Great laughs, fun characters, and an exciting plot really do the trick for Now You See Me. There are some pretty major plot holes, but if you don't take a movie about magicians pulling off complex heists in public before crowds while being hunted by authorities too seriously, you will love this movie.