
Writen by Kenneth Axel Carlsson on December 27, 2014

Juno is a girl, a totally cool girl who don't take shit from anyone and do whatever she likes. She is not like disrepectful or anything, she just knows who she is and what she likes, even though she thinks that she haven't figured it out yet. She totally has. Juno gets pregnant with Bleeker. She thinks about getting an abortion, as it will be the responsible thing to do, but can't get herself to do it (I mean, the kid already has fingernails!), instead she finds a cool couple to adopt the child (Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman). Juno is a movie about being a kid and growing up, about taking responsibility for your life and doing the right thing, even though it's damn hard. I mean, imagine being a pregnant teen on your school... you think people would talk about you? Well, they do... a lot. Also, imagine how your parents would react and how you would react to giving it up, whether its abortion or adoption. Anyways, Juno is cool and takes everything as it comes. She'll figure it out eventually, we know this the minute we see her. Nothing will break Juno. Ellen Page is amazing as Juno, and the rest of the cast is so carefully casted that it's not even funny. Everyone understands their part and while the dialogue is a little movie-ish all the way through, it is also terrible believeable. These people speak this way because they... know themselves and don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. _Last words... if you haven't yet, go watch this movie. You don't even need to be a teenager to get it... this is a movie for everyone, boy or girl, man or woman, age 12 or 68. Don't miss out on Juno, she is worth every minute._