
Writen by Sejian on September 09, 2024

I think I need to rewatch the old movie because I cannot remember if it was this ridiculous or not. I see there are two; the one with Bill Paxton that I think I remember and an even older one with muh boi, Crispin Glover that I didn't know exist. So, what's wrong with this movie? Well, besides killing off Kiernan Shipka in the first 15 minutes, everything, everything is wrong (I'm exaggerating slightly) - I thought I was watching a disaster movie, instead it's a weirdly cobbled together romance movie. MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD 1. Javi is written as an unintentional antagonist and it's kinda dumb. Furthermore, the issue between Javi and Kate is also never really addressed. They both lost their friends and for all intents and purposes it appears Kate built up walls around herself, left town and never looked back. Both of these characters have had to live with and deal with the loss of their friends but in the scene when Javi snaps at Kate, it's hard not to take Javi's side, and we're meant to take Kate's side because the movie follows Kate. Javi is barely in it. The scene that follows between Tyler and Kate felt like it should've been between Javi and Kate, minus the romance because we don't actually need romance in everything. 2. They went a little too far with "reckless Tyler" in those first few scenes where diving Javi and Kate off the road is played for laughs. No one ever brings it up and Javi even pulls the same stunt with Tyler and Kate during the final act. These people are all supposed to be sensible adults. 3. Apart from mini-boss Scott, Javi's team of trained specialists have no personality or character development and are given barely any screen time compared to Tyler's ragtag storm-wrangling group. We're meant to see Tyler's group as cool because "oh whoa, they actually know something!" while we never get to know the team of people who could probably blow your mind with their combined knowledge. 4. My biggest issue with this movie is the two "opposing" groups. Javi claims to be doing this for science so we can better understand tornadoes so we can help people, and Tyler's here to help people by being social media famous, selling merchandise and giving out food. They both have the same goal, or claim to, and their different tech and methods of storm chasing could compliment each other, so why the unnecessary animosity, especially from Tyler's group, who, if we're being honest, aren't really doing that much. Tyler mentions a supercomputer at one point and I have to wonder what exactly have they been using this supercomputer access for all this time? If these two clowns worked together, they could've successfully scanned a tornado before the events of this movie. ANYWAY... LET'S GET TO THE JUICY PART OF MY "REVIEW"! "Is there political lecturing? No. Is there lecturing about climate change? No. Is there lectures about being Gay? No. Is there lectures about diversity? No. Is there lectures about feminism? No. Does it make a point that all white people are evil? No. Does it make a point that all men are evil? No. Does it make a point that Christianity is evil? No. Does it have a villain that is supposed to be Donald Trump? No." What do you suppose Kate's mom was talking about when she mentioned more and more bad weather? Bigots are comically silly, I swear! Swine says they came to watch tornadoes destroy things but somehow missed all the colored people and women on the screen who feel like they take up the majority of the runtime. There's never consistency with these people, is there? I came to watch a disaster movie and all I left with was the thought that I should've just watched The Day After Tomorrow (2004) again because at least that movie had compelling people drama. The funnier bit is if you read the recent reviews online on that old Bill Paxton movie, there are quite a few complaining that this new movie is woke and shoving agendas down your throat, so either Swine is being comically sarcastic or they're full of it. Like Tyler, I can't really tell. Do bigots like it because Kate gets with Tyler at the end instead of Javi? It really does seem this simplistic and silly when simply seeing a colored person on screen usually triggers them into spiraling out of control with calls to "boycott the woke DEI agenda movie!"