No Country for Old Men
I watched this for the first time with a few friends as part of an ongoing movie night we shared. I think it was the most violent film we watched together. The plot is taut and somewhat riveting, with great dialogue and acting. At the same time, for me, it seemed rather bleak. I gradually had the sense it would not end well for nearly anybody. If it weren’t for the Tommy Lee Jones character, I am not sure I would have wanted to stick with it. He provides a sort of balance in the mood of the film. I am not a big fan of movies with super criminals. You know the ones — they seem to always be one step ahead of the hero or the authorities, free to run roughshod until that are defeated at the very end of the movie, if at all. Woody Harrelson delivers another one of his stellar performances. Who knew he would be so good very early on in his career? Oddly enough, No Country for Old Men caused metaphorical violence to our movie watch group, as there was an exchange that caused us to watch no more films together. Powerful stuff.