Wrath of Man

Writen by sporkproductions on August 13, 2021

Definitely Guy Ritchie's best in quite a while. Also, nice to see a director take his Disney dollars and return to making something original. Is it a great film? Not really. But, it's really well crafted, the story is interestingly told, and it rekindles the vibe that made Ritchie the UK's version of Tarantino when he first emerged. My only complaint isn't necessarily about this film specifically but more it's "type" by which I mean it's yet another film about a guy with a secret badass background who goes on a revenge spree. John Wick, Taken, Nobody, The Equalizer, and so many others have done the same thing. Apparently bullets don't do permanent damage to lead characters? Seriously, with the damage he takes in this film he should have spent the runtime changing a colostomy bag and being wheeled to the TV to watch cartoons while drooling down his chest. But, again, that's not unique to this film. It's kinda the standard now days. I guess when so many films seem to have the intention of being a franchise a character's mortality only becomes an issue if the actor doesn't renew their contract. If you don't mind this issue, it's a really fun film. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm just getting tired of invincible heroes in films.