
Writen by Manuel São Bento on October 12, 2021

With exceptional stunt work (Greg Rementer, Dan Skene) and remarkable directing (Ilya Naishuller), Nobody mainly works due to the surprising casting of Bob Odenkirk (Little Women) as the badass yet vulnerable protagonist. Derek Kolstad - creator of the John Wick franchise - basically writes what could easily be characterized as a spin-off of the popular action saga starring Keanu Reeves, which has its pros and cons. On one hand, the formulaic narrative isn’t unique in the slightest, holding a cliche, weak villain, and a lack of compelling characters besides the main one. On the other hand, it features insanely gory, bloody, well-choreographed fighting sequences, where Odenkirk absolutely shines - the actor performs a shockingly impressive amount of stunts. Expectations-wise, it offers the high entertainment levels audiences crave, so I can’t help but recommend it. Rating: B