Men in Black

Writen by Kamurai on August 26, 2020

Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend. This was a better movie historically than actually. It at least felt like it introduced some concepts of having aliens infiltrated Terra into the industry, even if it didn't actually. Maybe it popularized it more, but it was very good at walking the audience across that line that separates our normal Terran view to that of an integrated society. Or maybe I just love the concept of aliens on our planet that much. I definitely don't think it was the manner they took: the humor is as annoying as it is funny most of the time, and Tommy Lee Jones is just as funny as Will Smith (that's saying something, personally) as the straight man, credit to both of them. That said, they were a perfect for the movie, and all the supporting cast did wonderfully. Vincent D'Onofrio, as "Not Edgar", was probably the funniest character in the movie to me, and I don't think he was supposed to be. The "haze the rookie by leaving out vital information" bit is cliche and worn out, but that's have the jokes here. I definitely like the movie, and I love what it could have been.