Bad watch, won't watch again, and can't recommend. I'm not re-watching this for the review. While Steve Correll and Rose Byrne are both great actors, I can't admit to being big fans, and I'm willing to bet I find "The Campaign" entrertaining even if I did not find this so. And I didn't. Politics, especially politics that aren't yours, and fictional politics doubly so, are not entertaining. There supposed to be a serious attempt at managing how our levels of government are run. As this movie highlights, certain avenues of politics are just big gang wars, mostly financial, with everyone trying to do whatever they can to get whatever they can, whether it is ethical or not. The people that do what happens in this movie in real life either see it as a war, or a sadistic game, which is where the barest amount of entertainment appears in this movie. It's star-crossed lovers trying to hurt one another in the most complicated and costly way possible. The good story is the one they hide from you, and it's next to impossible to enjoy it with the "A" story in the way. Just don't bother unless you're a HUGE Steve Correll fan or a big political comedy movie fan.