The Way
A thin but poignant plot takes us on a beautiful journey through Northern Spain. Along the way, Tom (Martin Sheen) is joined by three unwanted other travellers as he completes his dead son's journey along the Camino Way. Along the journey, they learn more about each other and share their stories. The film could have gone deeper into these stories but this would have taken the focus away from the main story of Tom's personal mission. James Nesbitt plays an annoying Irish writer, Jack but Tom, originally planning a solo journey, is equally annoyed by his new Dutch and Canadian companions. All are plausible people one might expect to find on such a journey. The soundtrack is amazing but the real stars are the landscapes and locations showcased with brilliant cinematography. A beautiful film which won't prepare you to walk the Camino but it will give you the views and (romanticised) atmosphere of travelling through Northern Spain. (8/10)