The Return of the Frog

Writen by CinemaSerf on June 20, 2022

If you are looking to be mildly amused whist still intrigued by a film, then this might just be the one for you...The "Frog" gang are on the rampage again, after many years, and it falls to "Insp. Elk" (Gordon Harker) with assistance from American "Chicago Dale" (Hartley Power), visiting London on a fact-finding mission at Scotland Yard to track them all down. The only thing is, we soon start to get suspicious about just how helpful our friend from over the pond actually is! Communicating by way of a china frog with glowing eyes, he demands total loyalty from his followers - deviate from that and you get blown to smithereens. Is Harker next? Its got just about everything, this - quick one-liners, secret passages, explosions, and an half decent mystery to it too. Sure, the comedy isn't exactly subtle, or original, but that might actually help this low-budget affair from Maurice Elvey. Harker and Power are on decent form, as is Una O'Connor - seemingly in a nightgown for most of her scenes - adding loads too, in her usual ebullient manner. Well worth a watch, I'd say.