Memory: The Origins of Alien

Writen by Sheldon Nylander on September 21, 2019

Honestly, there's not much to say about "Memory." Or rather, there isn't much to say about "Alien" that hasn't really been said before. Most of the information is stuff that's been talked about before. It was interesting to see some more information about the original idea for "Alien," that being the screenplay for "Memory." To be honest, not only would I like to see more about that, but I would actually like to see that movie. It's nice to have a single encapsulated version of all the background info and critical analyses of one of the most symbolic films produced in recent memory, but if you're a fan who's studied this film to death already, you're not going to find anything new or revelatory here. This is really only for fans of the original film. Others probably won't get much out of it.