The Mummy
***Indiana Jones Horror Story*** If you think "The Mummy" (1999) is a remake of the glacial, ultra-serious classic of the same name, think again. This version is just as much an action/adventure (and comedy) as it is horror; and not 'horror' in the sense that it's scary, but rather horrific. Also, be ready for quite a few laugh-out-loud parts. Everything magically works, granting the viewer a highly entertaining romp. Brendan Fraser is perfect as the Indiana Jones wannabe. Rachael Weisz is so cute it's hard to take your eyes off her (WATCH OUT for her opening library scene). Arnold Vosloo is great as the mummy Imhotep and Oded Fehr is memorable as Ardeth Bay, the Magi guardian of the City of the Dead. John Hannah offers some comedic amusing moments as Eve’s brother and Kevin J. O'Connor is perfect as a selfish, disloyal, greedy little weasel. "The Mummy" is not great ponderous art as in, say, "Apocalypse Now" or "2001: A Space Odyssey," but it is great adventure and horrific fun. On that level, it's filmmaking of the highest order. The movie runs 2 hours, 4 minutes, and was shot in England, Morocco and Glen Canyon, Arizona. GRADE: A-