Freaky is a self-aware horror comedy spin on the classic film Freaky Friday (hence the name freaky). The slasher elements are extremely present, and I loved the shades of Friday the 13th with the Jason style killer and the sharp music, reminiscent of the original F13 score, playing during his scenes. The kills are incredibly brutal and really earn the R rating, some are very creative while others are the run of the mill horror kills. While watching this movie I could not help but feel bored at times. There were some definite lulls that could have been sharpened up for a tighter movie viewing experience. I understand that the movie was self-aware and poked fun at a lot of horror tropes, bult I felt as if they went a little too overboard. There were some scenes of bullying that just felt so unbelievable and over the top that it really pulled me out of the film even though I understood it was being satirical. The acting overall was pretty good, some lines were delivered awkwardly but nothing that was too consistent to harm the experience. Vince Vaughn is fantastic in this movie, and when that switch happens, he really sells that he is a high school girl in a killer's body with his girly movements and dialect. Overall, I had a fun time with the movie, but there were quite a few elements that really hold it back. **Verdict:** _Decent_