
Writen by SWITCH. on March 03, 2020

Animation has such an important job. The messages I was talking about earlier are not just intended to teach kids things - we learn from them too. I think that's what made 'Onward' a little disappointing: I didn't come out having learned something new in the context of my adult life. Nonetheless, it's still a lovely allegorical tale that promotes brotherhood, adventure and generosity. Animation's got a big duty of shaping up future generations from a young age, and they can't always deliver the goods for all. With that, I sign off - eagerly awaiting Pixar's next drop where, fingers crossed, I get to discover something new too... don't forget the big kids, Pixar. - Lily Meek Read Lily's full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-onward-not-the-fairytale-pixar-film-we-wanted