
Writen by Peter McGinn on November 08, 2021

I found this movie to be enjoyable and engaging in most ways. The script is intelligent except for one flaw, the young leads do a great job, and there is a sort of group chemistry amongst the student body. And it is witty and fun. Now, as someone who is over 60, I was a little saddened to find that the writers had killed off the world’s older generation and populated the movie with only the young. And I was disappointed that hardly anyone in the movie could make it through a sentence without dropping an f-bomb. Of course I am inured to the use of this catch-all word in film and cable tv, but when everyone, even two intelligent women who gave up fun while they studied their way through high school, can only manage using the f-word as adjectives, adverbs, verbs, etc., it makes you shudder for all the elite universities about to receive this influx of new talent.