Army of the Dead

Writen by sporkproductions on August 13, 2021

Zach Snyder is a director I have an incredible amount of respect for. He has a truly original vision, he makes films unlike anyone else, and he seems to relish being a bit of an outsider who somehow gets to make whatever he wants. Sort of like this generation's version of 90's/00's Robert Rodriguez. Yet, try as I might I just can't seem to actually enjoy his films. I won't bother going into it because personally I'd prefer not enjoying a wacky Zach Snyder film then being mildly entertained by most mainstream fluff that seem crafted by algorithms. If you like Snyder's films this one will most likely be a real joy. If you don't this one won't win you over. Either way, I hope he gets to keep making his manic fever dreams because we need more films with authentic voices.